Acclaimed trans film The People’s Joker gets UK cinema release
Get your smylex ready, The People’s Joker is set for a UK cinema debut next month.
The less-than-copyright-friendly unofficial parody of DC Comics villain The Joker, directed, created by and starring Vera Drew, will open in the UK and Ireland cinemas on 21 February.
The crowdfunded indie film was notoriously removed from the Toronto International Film Festival in 2022 because of “rights issues”, stemming from its unofficial use of several DC Comics and Warner Bros characters.
Calling itself the “illegal comic-book movie,” The People’s Joker tells the story of an aspiring comedian living in Gotham City, who spends years numbing her feelings of gender dysphoria with a fictional inhalant known as smylex.
Featuring stars such as Better Call Saul’s Bob Odenkirk, and work from “200 independent artists on three continents,”
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