Walsh: “Blasphemous” DC Bishop Will Burn In Hell And Shows Why “Scripture” Says Women Cannot Be Pastors
“Now this is blasphemy of the most extreme kind. Hell exists for people like Mariann. That’s why it’s there, for her. Although, unless she repents, which I hope that she does. But if she doesn’t, hellfire awaits.
“And, of course, you know, this grotesque display is coming from a female priest. You will only ever hear heresy and inanity coming from someone whose whole existence is blasphemous.
“I mean, we’ve talked about the plague of female pastors before and how scripture makes it very clear, repeatedly, that women cannot serve as pastors or have authority over men in the church.
“We don’t need to make that whole argument again. I don’t need to cite the letters of Saint Paul on this point as clear and unequivocal as
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