New investigation uncovers one ambulance call a day due to chemsex in London
(Image: Mart Production/Pexels)
A new investigation by ITV News into the dangers of chemsex has found that in 2023 three people died from chemsex-related issues a month.
The Metropolitan Police also told journalists for ITV that they fear 2024 numbers will be of a record high.
The investigation is part of a After the high: Chemsex, beyond the myths, a new hour-long documentary on chemsex which is available to stream on ITVX. It also included a number of other shocking findings, including that almost a third of all drug-related hospital presentations at one of the UK’s busiest hospitals involved ‘chems’.
‘A silent crisis’: Chemsex related drugs claiming LGBT+ lives, yet few are taking notice
ITV News Digital Reporter @samleader_ investigates the underreported issue of drug deaths devastating parts of the

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