Posted by on November 12, 2021 10:44 pm
Originally From: Gaily Grind

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Pop star Britney Spears is free from her conservatorship after a judge ruled in favor of termination Friday, ending the 13-year arrangement that has legally stripped the pop star from making her own personal and financial decisions.

“Effective today, the conservatorship of the person and the estate of Britney Jean Spears is hereby terminated,” Judge Brenda Penny said after a 30-minute hearing in which no one opposed ending the legal arrangement.

The judge added that the current conservator would continue working to settle ongoing financial issues in the case.

The 39-year-old singer had begged the court to terminate the legal arrangement that has governed her personal life and $60 million estate since 2008.

Fans outside erupted in cheers at the decision and broke into dancing and singing her hit


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