Check out Miguel De Sousa’s exclusive Real Bodies shoot for Attitude in 20 images
Miguel De Sousa (Image: Francisco Gomez de Villaboa)
I was born and raised in Salvador, Brazil. From a very young age, I knew I was different. I grew up in a loving home, with a disco-obsessed father, a hard-working mother and a younger sister. Dad was in the military, so there was a lot of discipline — especially with me being the big brother.
I was a very feminine boy, and I used to hang out a lot more with girls than with boys. I was obsessed with The Little Mermaid, an anime series called Rayearth, and then the Spice Girls. All of this shaped the flamboyant, (vocally) high-pitched boy into the flamboyant, high-pitched man I am today, personally and professionally.
I don’t recall bullying growing up, but I do

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