Posted by on October 24, 2024 9:45 pm
Originally From: Joe My God

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Wired reports:

According to emails shared exclusively with WIRED by the nonprofit group American Oversight, Michigan Sheriff Dar Leaf has run a militia training course advising “potential jurors, homeschoolers, ladies and gentlemen” to “get a standard AR-15 type military grade weapon” and “500 rounds of ammo.” The emails also show that, ahead of the most consequential election in a generation, Leaf is in regular contact with a wide variety of election conspiracists.

Leaf and a number of his colleagues in the Constitutional Sheriff movement say that they have “posses” to patrol polling stations, monitor for “illegal” immigrant voters, and help sheriffs respond to reports of fraud—or anything else—on election day. For years, sheriffs like Leaf who believe they have unlimited power to interpret and enforce the laws of the land


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