Felon Lies That He Stopped “$50 Million In Condoms From Being Sent To Hamas For Them To Make Bombs”
“Medicare and Medicaid have not been affected by any action we’re taking in any way, shape or form. We are merely looking at parts of the big bureaucracy where there has been tremendous waste and fraud and abuse. And that process we identified and stopped $50 million being sent to Gaza to buy condoms for Hamas — 50 million. And you know what’s happened to them? They’ve used them as a method of making bombs. How about that?” – Trump, this afternoon.
CNN reports:
The White House offered no evidence for the story: Leavitt provided no proof for her claim that there was ever a federal plan to spend $50 million on condoms in Gaza. Under Biden, USAID spent no money on condoms in the entire Middle East. The State
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