LIVE VIDEO: Rubio’s Senate Confirmation Hearing (Politico Predicts Trump Will Fire Him Within A Year)
Politico reports:
Congratulations, Marco Rubio! You’ll soon be secretary of State. Condolences, too. You’re not likely to last long in the job. Unlike many of President-elect Donald Trump’s nominees, Rubio is a shoo-in for Senate confirmation, having already nabbed some Democratic support. U.S. diplomats and foreign officials, too, view the GOP senator from Florida as a knowledgeable, not-insane, well-behaved person with whom they can engage.
But he’ll be lucky to last a year at Foggy Bottom. Rubio already is being undermined — through push-back from Trump’s MAGA base, the naming of other Trump appointees with overlapping portfolios as well as the essentially weak nature of the position he’s inheriting. A Rubio departure could mean fewer restraints on Trump’s already unorthodox foreign policy, further rattling America’s global allies.
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