Posted by on September 16, 2024 7:18 pm
Originally From: Joe My God

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“It’s disgusting the way that they’re now spreading lies about me! The media now is accusing me of, you know, having an affair with Donald Trump. Such a salacious lie, so malicious, so disrespectful to Donald Trump and Melania Trump! They’ve taken it so far!

“And, you know, if I was a leftist journalist, if I was a if I was a Democrat, my God, the media would be up in arms if the Republican media was doing this to a, you know, a left wing journalist–

My God, they’re misogynist. They’re bullying a woman. They’re trying to they’re trying to Monica Lewinsky her! They’re you know, they’re demonizing her! They’re they’re they’re trying to discredit the fact that she’s a working woman!

“I mean, look, I know that Kamala


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