Posted by on September 20, 2024 10:00 pm
Originally From: Queerty

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Matt Gaetz has long denied he knows the young woman at the center of his teen sex scandal. But new court filings say otherwise.

For the first time, eyewitnesses say Gaetz attended a drug-fueled party with the underage girl at the home of one of his friends, Florida lobbyist Chris Dorworth. His name is important because he’s the reason why the damning court docs are now public.

Dorworth, who claims he was unfairly dragged into the perverted drama, filed a civil suit last year in an attempt to bury the case. But his attempted subterfuge backfired. Though he eventually dropped the suit, defense lawyers filed the affidavits from three eyewitness to try and recoup attorneys fees.

Politics, but make it gay!


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