Posted by on October 24, 2024 3:10 pm
Originally From: Joe My God

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“I think this is a very reasonable proposal. Take their medals away. These treacherous guys, they are hideous, all of them, and many many more. The culture of deception, these political animals. They’re supposed to be fighting men. They’re not. They’re careerists, and they’re out for a buck.

“And, well, number one, these are not Donald Trump’s generals. I hate that. I hate it when they say that. Donald Trump’s own generals are saying such and such. No. These are not his own generals, his own generals.

“You’ve seen the headlines. Right? Trump’s own generals calling him this, that, and the other thing. Trump’s generals are trying to save the world starting with the White House. Trump’s generals, they’re not his. They never were his generals.

“So if you go


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