Trenton Ducati, Talks to ‘On The Rocks’ Alexander Rodriguez. Woof!
Instinct Magazine’s friend iHeartRadio/HERETV’s Alexander Rodriguez, On the Rocks Radio Show, recently sat down with Trenton Ducati. Here’s what transpired. We did miss the event mentioned in the interview (occurred last weekend on March 1 – 3).
What started out as a standard interview turned into an hour-long conversation with adult film director, producer, and star Trenton Ducati – in a fascinating look behind the persona. Trenton has made a name for himself as a performer and, for over a decade, remains a fan favorite in a career that almost didn’t happen. During his time in film, he has become as instrumental in the adult industry behind the camera as in front, dedicated to producing quality content. His website is the number one gay porn membership site with the most studios,
SEE MORE OF THIS POST AT Instinct Magazine

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